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If you want advice, ideas on how we can work together or if you want to find out how to advertise to our great readers, or how to contribute or support what we do here. We’re ready for you.
In the years running Egotastic we’ve heard from more than 30,000 of you and they were all my mother using aliases.
To reach us for anything, day or night, weekday or weekend, pre-apocalypse or post-apocalypse, fill out the contact form below.
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Also feel free to add exclamation points, asterisks, or things like ‘Urgent’ or ‘Must Read!!!!’ so we’ll know to open those when we get around to it. .
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar as my great Aunt Mae was fond of saying before we put her in the home.
If the contact form don’t work – email info(at)egotastic.com